Oct 18, 2010

TEN: Flight

10/18/2010 12:56AM

Cam tore her arm away from the big, silent brute who'd found her on the street. She'd kept to the folliage, but evidently her idea of stealthy was a tromping elephant compared to her guard of the hour. Instead of letting her go, the man clamped a hand on her upper arm and dragged her up the hill.
She'd nearly made it to the main road. Escape routes had been her friend for the first six months of her freedom. Always looking, always knowing where she could go and hide, where she could disappear. She'd grown lax in the last few year, but it was eerie how easily she slid into her role again. Maybe she'd always been in a cage, even one of her own making. "I'm not going to run," she spat out.
The man just grunted and continued to drag her along like a ragdoll.
"Dammit, I just didn't want to get anyone hurt." Dammit, why was she talking to Gigantor? He didn't care, but the silence was driving her nuts. She couldn't tell if he was pissed or not, but oddly she wasn't afraid of him. Maybe because it wasn't personal for him. Suddenly she was face first in the leaves, her ear to the ground and her guard's huge body pressing her into the earth. "What the hell?"
"Shh," the man said and held her down.
The echoing crack through the trees scattered her thoughts. She knew that sound. Knew it from dreams and nightmares. Lucas.
She struggled under him, her flight instinct so strong she couldn't even think. Just get away--far away. Move. Go. Anywhere but where Lucas could find her.
"Ms. Blaise, calm down." The man's voice was husky and low, barely more than a breeze at her ear.
She shook harder, tried to get up and move.
"Cam!" He covered her from thigh to shoulder with his big body. "He's shooting at us, if you're trying to be a target you will succeed in a moment."
She stopped, his words finally sinking in.
"There. Thank you."
"Jon," she whispered. The fear she felt for herself was nothing compared to the thought of something happening to Jon.   
"Bruce is with him."
"Get us back to the house," she said on a shaky breath.
"I don't know where the shots are coming from," he said on a voice that barely registered in her ears. Panic roared leaving only white noise.
"He won't kill me." She struggled under his body. "He wants to own me, not kill me."
"Yeah, but he wouldn't mind killing me. So, if you don't mind, why don't you stay down?"
Faced with that kind of logic she couldn't deny the request. It was true. "What's your name."
He had to be well over six feet and all raw muscle and he was was a Danny? She nodded and committed his name to memory. "All right Danny. We need to get back to the house." When he didn't move, she ground her teeth together. "We're sitting ducks out here and you know it." He suddenly grabbed something at his hip and read the dim readout and miraculously she could breathe again.
"We're clear."
"How do you know?"
"Bruce found Banyon, but he took off." He dragged her off the ground and thrust her bag into her arms. "Let's go." 
She didn't say a word, just headed up the hill. Danny had every right to be mad. Every move she made was just making things worse. Would it be a cage of her own doing, or Jon's? Either way she was screwed. At least with Jon's options there were guns.

